Monday, July 25, 2022
3:00pm to 3:45pm ET
Zoom Link: Will be sent to you before the event
USTOA invites you to a DEI & Sustainability webinar
Join us to hear from Melissa DaSilva, President, The Travel Corporation USA, as she shares insight into DEI and sustainability efforts. With the participation of Sherwin Banda, President, African Travel.
The Travel Corporation launched a comprehensive DEI strategy in 2020, as well as a new 5-year sustainability plan in 2021. Melissa will explain how these two plans work cohesively, both internally within TTC's people, and externally with partners and suppliers. She will also highlight some of the challenges as well as progress made to date. The more we learn, the more the goal posts are shifting, and we want to transparently share with other operators and partners our journey so that we can collectively make a bigger impact.
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