Boca Raton Resort & Club
501 East Camino Real
Boca Raton, FL
People who are involved in a crisis away from home have special needs that must be met by those who offer assistance. These needs will form basis for training.
Join us for the Human Services Response(TM) Training workshop, presented by Dr. Carolyn Coarsey, PhD, co-founder and president of Family Assistance Foundation (
DATE: Wednesday December 3, 2014 TIME: 8am to 5pm LOCATION: Boca Raton Resort & Club, Boca Raton, FL REGISTRATION FEE: $179.00 per person (this is an additional fee from the Annual Conference & Marketplace registration fee)
Online registration is now open. The deadline date is November 3, 2014.
You must be logged in as an Active or Associate Member to view details and register.
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