USTOA In Recommend Magazine

Published Jun 18, 2020 12:00AM

USTOA, CATO and ETOA have collaborated on a set of health and sanitization guidelines specifically for their tour operator members called TOURCARE Guidelines for Tour Operators.

Developed by the Canadian Association of Tour Operators (CATO), the European Tourism Association (ETOA), and the United States Tour Operators Association (USTOA), the guidelines establish recommended procedures for tour operators to provide protection for travelers against the transmission of COVID-19.

In announcing the guidelines, USTOA president and CEO Terry Dale, ETOA chief executive Tom Jenkins, and CATO executive director Pierre LaPage said jointly: “By their very nature, tour products are complex, involving many different variables that are under the watchful eye of the tour operator, yet not every element fully under their control. We felt that our members—and the tour operator industry as a whole—would benefit from one set of guidelines developed with their specific needs top-of-mind. The TOURCARE Guidelines will help our tour operator members fulfill their mission to safeguard the health and wellbeing of their passengers while continuing to provide exceptional travel experiences in destinations around the world.”

Read Full Article Here


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