Terry Dale, president and CEO of the U.S. Tour Operators Association (USTOA), moderated a panel of active USTOA members in a discussion of the current state of travel, while acknowledging that what is known will change in a month as much as it changed in the last month, and that more meetings will be necessary to stay abreast of such a dynamic and multifaceted situation. The panel featured Charlie Ball, USTOA chairman, of Holland America Group; Scott Wiseman, USTOA vice chairman, of Apple Leisure Group; Elizabeth Crabill, USTOA treasurer, of CIE Tours International; Madhvi Buch, USTOA secretary, of The Travel Corporation USA; Dana Santucci, USTOA immediate past chairman, of EF Educational Tours; Dan Mahar, USTOA board director, of Tauck; and Scott Nisbet, USTOA board director, of Globus family of brands.
Dale started off by stating while the times may be uncertain, but he was certain the community built by USTOA will make it through. Having just wrapped up the group’s fourth active member survey, Dale said 57 percent of active member business for 2021 has been rebooked from canceled 2020 departures, with 80 percent of current bookings going to international destinations and 20 percent going to North America. An executive summary of the survey will be sent to all members when the final analysis is complete.
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