Why Purchase Travel Insurance: The importance of protecting your next trip
Booking a vacation is exciting. You are most likely concerned with picking the right destination and packing your suitcase, but are you also concerned with purchasing travel insurance? Many travelers think that insurance is only necessary for oversees vacations or expensive travel, but travel insurance can be a valuable investment for all vacations.

No one purchases a vacation with the intention to cancel, but sometimes the unexpected event happens. Travel insurance programs provide valuable protection against these incidents. One of the most popular benefits of purchasing travel insurance is the Trip Cancellation benefit. For example, if you experience an unforeseen sickness or injury before travelling you could be covered. This coverage can provide reimbursement for unused, non-refundable pre-paid travel arrangement if you cancel for a listed covered reason.
Comprehensive travel protection plans also provide coverage in the event a traveler incurs medical expenses while traveling. Many travelers are unsure whether their health-care plan will cover medical expenses while traveling. Purchasing medical expense coverage for a specific trip ensures you receive quality care while on your vacation. Many comprehensive travel insurance products also include a medical evacuation component. This coverage can provide transportation services if you or your family member needs hospitalization. Redpoint Travel Protection will arrange and pay for all evacuation services to occur with no out-of-pocket cost for the traveler.

Air travel can also be unpredictable with the potential for a flight delay, missed connection, or lost luggage. Travel insurance provides added assurance that reasonable expenses you incur due to these types of mishaps could be reimbursed. Make sure to keep all receipts and file a claim when you return home.
Okay, so you have decided to purchase travel insurance, when is the best time to buy? As soon as you purchase your trip! Many travel insurance programs include early purchase benefits. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, purchasing within a specified time frame can waive those conditions. If you forget to purchase coverage within the early purchase window, you are likely still eligible for coverage. Purchasing travel insurance before departure can let you rest assured knowing you are covered in the event you need to cancel your trip for a covered reason.
Make sure you do your research before purchasing. Policies may vary and it is imperative that you examine the key benefits to confirm the policy meets your travel needs. Travelers should also always review the policy’s listed coverage as well as the limitations and exclusions. Understanding your travel insurance policy will ensure that you are not disappointed in the event you must file a claim
The information presented in this article is a brief description of travel insurance coverage and is for information use only. Please read your specific policy carefully to fully understand the coverage, terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions.
About Redpoint
Redpoint Travel Protection provides travelers with the industry’s best, most comprehensive and flexible array of insurances and services that include trip cancellation/ interruption, property loss, medical and travel assistance, and evacuation. Redpoint Travel Protection’s suite of products ensures the right plan is available for all travel. To ensure the best possible partner experience, Redpoint uniquely owns and provides all key aspects of its offerings: travel assistance, evacuation, claims management and payment, and insurance underwriting. This means Redpoint can create customized programs for our partners and actively collaborate to provide the best customer experience in the industry.
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