The Advantages of Small Ship Cruising

By Emerald Waterways

What inspires you to travel?  Is it adventure, culture, food, relaxation, interaction with the local communities, peace, or all of the above?  A small ship cruise is about all of these vacation goals and delivers them on a personal level, with no queues to stand in for buffets, no long lines to embark or disembark, simply no waiting and, therefore, less stress.

Imagine this:  a straw hat on your head, sunglasses shading your eyes, a gauzy flowy summer chemise blowing in the breeze, a drink in your hand and your feet resting on the lounge chair as you gaze to the shoreline, taking in the charming harbor coming into view.  You realize with a start that soon you’ll be strolling ashore, ready to tackle the day to discover what lies ahead.  This is small ship cruising!

What exactly qualifies as a small ship?  Typically, a small ship is considered one that has fewer than 500 guests. (Some lines consider their ship small if it’s under 1500 guests, which doesn’t seem so small at all).  In the case of the small ships in the Scenic group portfolio, Scenic Eclipse is 228 guests or less, while the recently announced Emerald Azzurra will welcome just 100 guests.  With more space per guest, these two beauties will attain unmatched comfort and luxury for those that sail them.

A yacht or small ship is a more intimate experience, both on board and on shore.  Public spaces are laid out in such a way that you never feel crowded or closed in by other guests.  You almost have the feeling of being in a guest house, with relaxed, comfortable lounges and inviting outdoor spaces with plenty of room for everyone.  When you ask what makes or breaks a cruising experience, it’s the crew that go out of their way to make a connection and to ensure that you have the best trip possible.  You’ll become well acquainted with the staff and crew.  They’ll know your name, remember which table you prefer, whether you prefer an intimate dinner at a table for two or if you’re more likely to join those new friends you just made.  They’ll know which drink you prefer when sitting on a lounge chair overlooking the sea and which one you prefer pre-dinner in the cozy lounge.  Your travel partner prefers his coffee black and cappuccino is your choice – they’ll know!  You’ll always feel like you are their number one priority.  You’ll leave your small ship feeling that you’ve made new friends, not only with the other guests but also with those staff members who delivered your trip of a lifetime.

The destinations are unique with small ship or yacht cruises.  They can enter pristine harbors where larger boats cannot, and will not, as these larger ships will overwhelm the location and have to shuttle their guests by tender to shore.  For the lucky few on a really small ship, you’ll be able to not only visit the bookend must-sees, like London, Dubrovnik, Barcelona, Lisbon, Athens, and Venice, for example, but you’ll also be able to put down anchor and perhaps even swim off the back of your vessel onto a remarkable beach like you’ve never seen before, most notably lacking in visitors.  Or perhaps you’ll take a zodiac for a short trip to shore, only because the harbor that you’ve pulled into doesn’t have substantial docking facilities.  Whatever you do on a small ship, the smaller the better, you’ll never have long lines, you’ll be free to leisurely embark and disembark.

With a small ship you can have everything included or opt for a line that gives you choices to tailor your adventure.  If you want discovery, opt for a line with fewer inclusions, to make the experience uniquely your own.  Take a bike and go off the beaten path.  Dive off the swim platform and be one with your surroundings.  Walk alongside your guide, taking in the local points of interest and then branch off on our own, meandering until you find something that suits your fancy – perhaps a lunch at a local taverna, sip a glass of locally sourced wine, chatter with the purveyor of the local coffee shop to learn about their daily life.  It’s all up to you how to spend your time.

If you prefer the surety of all-in-one pricing and are looking to up the adventure and discoveries, lines like Scenic Eclipse go above and beyond to include everything AND give you choice.  Choose from a daily menu of excursions or simply choose to indulge in the onboard amenities, perhaps a day in the spa, or reading a book in the observation lounge.  Feel like getting some exercise, check out the yoga lounge or take out a paddle board and go for a swim off the swim deck.  Take a tour of the wheelhouse where the captain will be happy to answer your questions.  As small expedition ships up the ante, look for bells and whistles like helicopters and submarines!

What’s for dinner you ask.  Of course, food is always an important part of your vacation so be sure to read the reviews to see if your small ship fits your culinary style.  Do you want multiple dining venues, which are usually only available on the bigger ships?  The Scenic Eclipse is unique in that it has more space per guest than any other ship of its kind.  Scenic Eclipse, while being a small ship, offers 10 dining venues, each with its own unique story.    From Koko’s sushi and teppanyaki to Lumiere’s fine French cuisine, there is something to please every palate.  On smaller yachts which tend to be slightly more relaxed, the options won’t be as plentiful but there will always be great food and choice at every meal. 

Destination is always paramount and small ships offer many options, with many of the options off the beaten path.  Whether it’s the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, the Adriatic, Yukon & Alaska or the Great White Wonders of the Arctic and Antarctic, you’re sure to find the next great adventure with a small ship cruise.  So, what are you waiting for?!  You surely won’t be disappointed and you surely will be looking for your next small ship adventure sooner than later!

Sustainability is Responsibility

By Terry Dale, President and CEO of USTOA

Strong and symbiotic partnerships are key to the sustainability mission. Here are a few of the many USTOA tour operators who have firsthand experience in building these types of relationships.

Quark Expeditions

Quark Expeditions launched a sustainable strategy framework named the Polar Promise that’s dedicated to protecting the Arctic and Antarctica. Working with scientists, community leaders, and innovators, Quark Expeditions contributes $500,000 USD each year through donations and funding for more research and development projects. Partnering with the Inuit Cruise Training Initiative, they hire Nunavummiut guides, while other training programs are available for people to become ambassadors of the polar region.

Intrepid Travel

In addition to many other sustainability initiatives launched over the years, Intrepid Travel released a free 10-step guide in 2020 that is designed to guide travel businesses towards decarbonizing their operations. As a B-Corp certified tour operator and carbon neutral company since 2010, they have offset more than 351,000 tonness of carbon emissions worldwide. During guided trips, Intrepid Travel prioritizes public transportation and minimizes the number of flights included in each itinerary. With expert advice and experience, they are helping other tour operators join the zero emissions movement.

Lindblad Expeditions

With more than 50 years of responsible travel experience, a focus of Lindblad Expeditions’ daily operations is to source food from local farmers and fisherman whenever its possible. In the Galápagos, they collected 27 percent of provisions locally in 2019. This supports the local economy and preserves the ecosystem by reducing the threat of invasive species entering through imported foods. With a strong sustainable seafood policy, they do extensive research to ensure that they are keeping oceans healthy and fish stocks constantly regenerating. In the assessment, they measure fish quotas, stock levels in ocean zones, method of catch, maturity levels, and feed.

Ways to Prep Your Home for Your Next Vacation

By YMT Vacations

Prepping for your travels is exciting. You’ve gotten your itinerary squared away and your packing list is growing longer and longer. But before the adventures can begin, you should make sure your house is vacation-ready. You’ll need a pre-vacation checklist to help keep your home safe and clean while you’re away.

Home Preparation Checklist For Leaving On Vacation

Don’t let the excitement of your upcoming trip distract from the tasks needed to prepare your home before departure. Before jetting off to gorgeous parts of the world, be sure to consider the following tips so that you return to a clean house and optimal sanity. 

Clean Your House & Fridge

The last thing you want when you return from a beautiful vacation is to enter a messy house. Before you jet off, make sure you thoroughly clean your home. Cleaning your house before a vacation ensures you will have less work to do once you return from your trip. Dust surfaces, vacuum the floors, wipe the counters, take out the trash, and put away the laundry.

Throw out any fruits sitting on the counter and clean out your refrigerator. If you still have a few days before your trip, save money and cook up food that could go bad while you’re gone. Toss whatever you don’t use or place it in the freezer. Once you’re done cleaning the house, be sure to take out all trash so you can return to a fresh-smelling home.

Practice Fire Prevention

Before you head out, do a thorough scan of anything that could cause a fire. Unplug electronics that won’t need power while you’re gone. This includes routers, air fresheners, computers, televisions, chargers, and small kitchen appliances. You’ll protect your space from catching flames, as well as avoid a hefty energy bill upon your return.

Also, triple-check your smoke detectors. If something were to go wrong, you’d at least want them to sound off so your neighbors can take action.

Program the Thermostat 

A great way to save some money while you’re off exploring the world is by setting your thermostat. You want the air circulating so you can avoid condensation. If you don’t have a smart thermostat, set your thermostat to a warmer temperature in summer and a colder temperature in the winter. Just make sure it’s above freezing, since you don’t want to freeze your pipes. Leaving a fan on is a great alternative to keep that air flowing.

Put Your Mail on Hold

Built-up mail is a signal to burglars that someone isn’t home. If you are preparing your house for an extended vacation, reach out to the United States Postal Service before you leave and ask them to put your mail on hold. They will keep your mail anywhere from three to 30 days. You can also ask a friend to stop by your house every few days to check your mailbox.

Ask a Friend to Stop By

It’s always the best when your friends or family members show up for you even while you’re away. If you can, ask a friend or family member to stop by your home to water plants, check on pets that don’t need 24/7 supervision, and maintain other household chores.

If you aren’t comfortable asking a friend to check on your home while you’re away, technology can help. Some companies will match you with a house sitter while you’re out of town.

Secure Entry Points

The worst thing is being out of town and realizing you might have forgotten to shut the window after that warm, breezy day. Before leaving, be sure to close and lock all windows and doors. You want to eliminate the possibility of someone having easy access to your home.

If you have an alarm system and accidentally leave a door unlocked, someone could walk into your home or apartment without setting off the alarm to alert the authorities. Double-check all entryways to make sure you have secured your home.

Don’t Forget the Details

Getting ready for a trip means crossing off your packing list and preparing all your proper documents. Call your bank and let them know you’ll be traveling. Alert your alarm company if you have one, and be sure to follow the above rules when preparing your home for your time away. You’ll have peace of mind and enjoy your trip more knowing that a secure and well-prepped home is waiting for you when you return.

YMT Vacations has been providing affordable guided tours for mature travelers since 1967. Our guided cruise and land tours, to destinations around the globe, are designed with value in mind. By thoughtfully bringing together each separate element of your vacation, we can guarantee you the best price and an easy, worry-free trip. Visit to learn more!

5 Ways Travelers Can Support Local Communities Through Sustainable Travel

Rachel Jordan is the Partnership Marketing Coordinator for Club Adventures, powered by AAA Exclusive Vacations®

“Take only memories, leave only footprints”.  It’s an oft-used phrase, and while the travel industry is filled with them, every iteration of this specific one provides the same message: leave things as you’ve found them and minimize your impact. Small changes travelers make can have large effects, whether that be on the environment, on people, or the larger world around us.

As of 2019, travel and tourism accounted for just over 10% of the world’s GDP, or roughly $8.9 trillion USD, demonstrating how many countries have come to rely on tourism to support local economies. As we become more interconnected and this number continues to grow, the idea of minimizing impact and the necessary advocation for sustainable travel is more important than ever. For all of us travelers in a modern age, we are constantly in search of immersive experiences, trying our utmost to forge authentic connections, dive deeper into a culture, and find ways give back to the local communities that welcome us. But, as a destination becomes more popular with travelers all seeking the same kinds of experiences, there are positive and negative impacts, and it can be challenging to strike a balance in making sure the positive outweighs the negative.

But what does that look like? How do we, as individuals and businesses, support local communities through sustainable travel efforts? Here’s a look at how we can all get started, cultivating the kind of responsible travel that establishes a solid foundation of well-sustained destinations to enjoy for generations to come.

1. Travel with companies who involve locals 

Truly sustainable companies keep sustainability in mind right from the get-go. They will be mindful when designing tours to ensure that as much money as possible will stay in the destination. These companies hire local guides, so the money earned by the guide stays within their family and is reinvested back into the community. These companies also seek out local restaurants and hotels, making the effects of visiting a destination more impactful on local businesses. The more you avoid the tourist “hot-spots,” the more money can help the overall economy. For example, at Club Adventures, on our Women Explorers trip in Morocco, we employ female guides and drivers. This commitment supports not only the local community, but also empowers an underrepresented demographic in the tourism industry.  

2. Get involved with local, sustainable efforts 

Many developing countries realize the impacts of industrialization and climate change, and while they may not have the infrastructure to switch to green energy, many have already established efforts that protect the local environment. With some research prior to your trip, you could plant trees in the Amazon or help clean up a polluted beach in Bali. There are countless ways to get involved, so spend your time doing some research to see how tangibly a business is taking an interest in local efforts, and how transparent they are about the effort and the benefit(s) to the destination.

3. Avoid creating dependent relationships 

With great power comes great responsibility. The power of tourism dollars requires operators and travelers alike to ensure responsible allocation. In keeping with this belief, Club Adventures does not visit or encourage tourism to any schools or orphanages on any tour. This ensures that any child-focused organization does not become reliant on funds from tourism, which is a fluid industry and could negatively impact the organization should tourism monetary support fluctuate.

4. Avoiding Animal Abuse 

We’ve all seen those pictures of people riding elephants in India or Southeast Asia.  As amazing as it might look on Instagram, many of these attractions are not treating these animals humanely. Sustainable companies and independent travelers alike should strive to not support these attractions, but instead specifically look for companies that have been strictly vetted to ensure they are treating the animals correctly, and do not allow visitors to touch or directly interact with local wildlife. Some of these companies may be rehabilitation centers, but still make sure to check if they have been thoroughly inspected before getting involved.

5. Practice green habits at home and abroad

Simple changes can truly make a difference, especially when the 40 million Americans who travel annually contribute to the change. Prior to our departures, Club Adventures encourages everyone to bring a reusable water bottle to exponentially decrease the use of single-use plastic. We advise to avoid getting plastic bags while shopping by putting souvenirs into your backpack, and to bring their own recyclable toiletries to avoid using one-use hotel containers.

At Club Adventures, we believe that sustainable travel should be the preferred style of travel, especially as our world continues to cope with over-tourism and climate change. Fortunately, sustainability is gaining wider traction across the travel industry as travelers start to dig deeper into who they travel with, and what impact their travels have on the world around them. Our suggestions are just the beginning to making a difference while traveling, but these small changes can have large effects. If we’re looking to take only memories, and leave only footprints, the work that comes along with that starts with each of us.

Rachel Jordan is the Partnership Marketing Coordinator for Club Adventures, powered by AAA Exclusive Vacations®. In her role, she assists with the implementation of comprehensive marketing strategies, while continually enhancing the strength of the Club Adventures brand. Rachel is also an avid traveler and blogger and is currently pursuing her M.S. in Global Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development. She continues to expand her comfort zone by exploring as many new cultures and destinations as possible. Follow her adventures on her Instagram account! 

Club Adventures, powered by AAA Exclusive Vacations®, is a small-group adventure travel provider created for those who want to explore the world through a local lens. With global journeys 8-14 days long, group sizes are kept small (16 passengers max) and leaders are local. Get closer, go deeper, and create memories that will last a lifetime, all the with support of a trusted brand.

Six Benefits of Traveling with a USTOA Tour Operator 

By Terry Dale, President and CEO of the United States Tour Operators Association 

Only tour operators who meet the highest standards of care, integrity, and insurance can become members of the United States Tour Operators Association (USTOA). These U.S. based companies take travelers to the farthest corners of the earth, offering unparalleled access, peace of mind, and protection every step of the way. 

During times of crisis – pandemics, natural disasters, even political upheaval – tour operators are uniquely positioned to assist their guests to ensure they return home safely.  In times of uncertainty, the tour operator members of USTOA enable consumers to travel with confidence. 

Find a full roundup of the 150 tour operator members by visiting the Member Directory and discover itineraries based on activity, destination, and duration at  

What’s so special about tour operators who are members of USTOA? Here are six benefits to traveling with one: 

  1. Protect Your Trip 

The $1 Million Travelers Assistance Program protects your trip when you book with a USTOA tour operator. Companies must qualify for the program to become a member, which, among other requirements, stipulates that in the case of a company’s bankruptcy or insolvency, all your tour payments are protected up to an aggregate of $1 million dollars 

  1. Travel Confidently 

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, USTOA has released a set of health and sanitization guidelines specifically for tour operators. The TOURCARE Guidelines were developed in collaboration with the Canadian Association of Tour Operators (CATO) and the European Tourism Association (ETOA). These guidelines set a universal standard for all tour operator members.  

  1. Have Peace of Mind  

If unforeseen problems arise, a tour escort, local host, or representative is always there to assist travelers. Vacations that are planned by trusted industry professionals bring this peace of mind when traveling domestically or abroad.  

  1. Save Money 

By buying in bulk and negotiating special rates for accommodations, transportation, meals, and more, tour operators can offer substantial savings to the traveler. Plus, prepaying for trips allow travelers to budget for vacations with greater certainty. Every cost and inclusion are presented upfront, and there’s a convenience of “one-stop shopping” for the vacation, which, rather than booking every hotel, meal, and transportation separately, also saves considerable time. 

  1. Find Variety and Flexibility  

Tour operators offer packaged travel to meet any vacation dream: solo travelers, multi-generational families, honeymooners, river cruise fanatics, and the most adventurous guests can find an itinerary that fits their interests with thousands of trips and a wide range of budget to choose from. Many itineraries are flexible and can be custom-made to allow for freedom to explore a destination on your own or add on new experiences.    

  1. Gain Unparalleled Access  

With insider information that is not in any guidebook, on-the-ground experts bring a unique perspective to the trip and find the best hidden gems to share with guests. By negotiating with local companies and hard-to-visit attractions, guides offer a new level of accessibility. Locally crafted itineraries take travelers beyond the hot spots and offer fulfilling and educational experiences, from eating a home-cooked meal to taking an art class.  

Representing nearly $19 billion in revenue, the member companies of the United States Tour Operators Association provide tours, packages and custom arrangements that allow 9.8 million travelers annually unparalleled access, insider knowledge, peace-of-mind, value and freedom to enjoy destinations and experiences across the entire globe. Each member company has met the travel industry’s highest standards, including participation in the USTOA’s Travelers Assistance Program, which protects consumer payments up to $1 million if the company goes out of business.  As a voice for the tour operator industry for more than 40 years, USTOA also provides education and assistance for consumers and travel agents. 

Why Danube River Cruises Are Perfect for Every Kind of Traveler

By Kristin Karst, Co-Founder and Executive Vice President at AmaWaterways



Europe’s Danube River runs through the heart of Old-World Europe where empires were built, kings and queens were crowned and some of the world’s greatest music was composed. A journey along this legendary river offers the quintessential cruise experience – perfect for both first-time and experienced river cruisers alike. Along the Danube River, you’ll see grand capitals like Vienna, Austria; Bratislava, Slovakia; and Budapest, Hungary. You’ll also see villages so charming and picturesque it’s as if they’ve been lifted from the pages of a storybook.

One of my favorite things about Danube River cruises is there is something for everyone to experience and enjoy.


Family Travelers

AmaWaterways is a family-owned and -operated company, so welcoming multi-generational families and accommodating their different needs has always been important to me. We’ve made sure that no matter who is sailing and what their interests are, each family member can choose their own adventure and explore at their own pace. There is so much variety in the tours we offer on the Danube River. An active family member may wish to hike up to Castle Hill in Budapest, Hungary, while another “foodie” in the family may prefer savoring local flavors at the city’s Great Market Hall. The best part for me is watching families gather back together during our Sip & Sail complimentary cocktail hour and share stories about the exciting things they discovered during the day.




Food and Wine Enthusiasts

Many travelers like to engage with the world through local culinary experiences, seeking out new flavors they cannot find anywhere else. Their taste buds will delight in the flavors along the Danube River where we offer many included Special Interest Tours to discover regional favorites like the finest apricots and liqueur in Dürnstein, Austria and Slovak cheese and sausage in Bratislava. They can also sample Bavarian beer during an exclusive Oktoberfest celebration in Vilshofen, Germany while enjoying a performance of Bavarian folk music and dance for a truly memorable experience. While on board, they can indulge in regionally inspired cuisine like Wiener schnitzel and rich sachertorte or enjoy a multi-course tasting menu at The Chef’s Table specialty restaurant – included in the price of the river cruise. Wine connoisseurs can enjoy a specially curated Danube River Wine Cruise where they benefit from an expert Wine Host on board to conduct informative wine tasting sessions and accompany them as they discover the local Riesling and Grüner Veltliner wines of Austria’s famed Wachau Valley region.


Active Travelers

There are endless opportunities to stay active while exploring the timeless cities along the Danube River, including a stunning guided hike up to Slovakia’s Bratislava Castle or Serbia’s Fruška Gora National Park and an exhilarating bike ride from Dürnstein, Austria to Melk, Austria. Active travelers also enhance their best selves on board by participating in complimentary wellness activities led by a professional Wellness Host – from morning stretching on the Sun Deck while sailing into Weissenkirchen, Austria to engaging cardio and dance classes.


“Maximum Relaxation” Travelers

Sometimes it’s the small, quiet moments that are the most profound for travelers – whether it’s simply reading a book on the Sun Deck and savoring the moment while watching the Danube River scenery pass by or sipping local wines enjoying the Hungarian Parliament building illuminated magnificently at night. Others, inspired by Mozart, revel in the classical music played live on board, which further sets the scene for their journey.




Girlfriend/Guys’ Getaway Groups

Guests traveling with treasured friends are able to strengthen their existing bonds and create new lasting memories together. Laughs are shared over a glass of local Grüner Veltliner wine on board and old favorite stories are often relived during excursions to places like Mondsee – where the wedding scene in The Sound of Music was filmed. Another favorite for groups of friends is visiting the Danube River’s magical Christmas Markets in cities like Vienna, Budapest and Passau, where newly found treasures are shared over gingerbread and mugs of mulled wine.

As you can see, everyone is in for the experience of a lifetime when cruising the Danube River!


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A native of Dresden, Germany, Kristin Karst is one of the leading executives in the travel industry known for her unwavering support of travel advisors and her personal commitment to pioneering innovative guest services. She co-founded AmaWaterways with Rudi Schreiner and Jimmy Murphy in 2002 and has been profiled in several top-tier travel trade and consumer publications. Kristin was honored with the prestigious Travel Vanguard Award by AFAR Media and the Lifetime Achievement Award from Travel Weekly.

AmaWaterways – a family-owned company celebrating 18 years on the river – leads the river cruise industry in innovation and offers unforgettable river cruises with 25 ships sailing the rivers of Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa, including Egypt. The company has the highest-rated ships in Europe according to the third edition of Berlitz: River Cruising in Europe & the USA and has received countless honors and accolades including Cruise Critic’s Editor’s Pick Award for “Best for Active Cruisers”; 2018 AFAR Reader’s Choice Award for “Best River Cruise Line” and inclusion of AmaMagna in 2019 TIME “World’s Greatest Places” as well as USA Today’s 10Best Readers’ Choice Award for “Best River Cruise Ship.”

How You Can be Part of Sustainable Travel NOW

By Allegra Lynch, President of Authentic Vacations



When we think of sustainable travel,  what comes to mind is the energy we use to go from one place to another.  Exciting prospects are on that horizon. At the last World Economic Forum, many attendees arrived in jets powered by SAF—Sustainable Aviation Fuel.  This fuel comes from refined plants or waste products as opposed to fossil fuels—it’s a lot more earth-friendly.  How about going electric? We’ll see that for short flights by the end of this decade.




But sustainable travel is so much more, and that more can offset the carbon footprint.  We just need to be aware, and active, around the other important aspects of sustainability.


Canoeing near Cloughoughter Castle on Lough Oughter


Being considerate of the environment and contributing to local businesses are huge parts of the sustainable equation.  Positively impacting a society is, too—that includes teaching, helping a community achieve economic freedom, and medical care.  But let’s talk about what we can all do right now.




Whether we’re traveling for business, taking a trip we’ve dreamed about forever, exploring with friends and family, or venturing out solo on a whim, we can actively support sustainability.  Our checklist includes using local transportation and lodgings , diving into the culinary scene, shopping for items by area artists and craftspeople, and encouraging communication. (And each is a unique opportunity to create memories.)




Step out of the familiar.  Immerse yourself in the people, nature, culture, and customs of the places you visit. Doing this sends your happiness quotient soaring, and it boosts the well-being of the area you’re discovering.

I’ve been travelling for decades—my parents got me off to an early start.   I consider that to be an enormous stroke of good luck.  Travel has taught me to move seamlessly through various cultures, both abroad and at home.  It has supported my ability to face challenges while remaining calm.  It makes me, I hope, a more understanding person.




Travel shapes us.  We become resilient, self-confident and empathetic.  These qualities serve us in our personal lives, but they also create healthy, global interactions.  We truly are one.  We see our differences disappear when we travel with people and understand their cultures.

My earliest memories are of back roads.  They were green and twisted, punctuated by homes with peeling paint and families on the front porch.  Roadside stands, with farm women selling fresh jams and juices, were always worth a stop.  I remember one stand where an ancient man, who sparkled, sold his hand-carved red birds.  (I still have mine.) The money he earned went into a tin coffee can, and you can bet that money was spent in the grocery store down the street.

My wish is for travelers to experience their vacations, even if they’re in a big city, as if they’re on a back road.  I want them to dip into local cultures and see life through new eyes.  Harmonious relations are definitely part of fostering a green world, and strong communities support our drive for innovation and need for security.




I encourage travelers to welcome awe.  When we’re filled with wonder, two things happen:  We don’t have anxiety—wonder and anxiety cannot co-exist, it’s simply impossible.  Here’s the second thing that happens when wonder is a player:  We feel deep appreciation for natural beauty and we want to protect it.  Walk through an ancient grove in Scotland, see a reindeer herd, and tell me you don’t care what happens to them. I won’t believe you!


Giant's Causeway, Co. Antrim


Consider experiences and places off the beaten path that boost locals. Natural wonders, vibrant food scenes, arts and crafts, homemade music and festivals, and unique wellness opportunities are all elements of sustainable travel.


Wild Irish Sea Veg PR Photographs


Here’s how to be part of the sustainable travel movement:

  1. Buy local products.
  2. Use local guides.
  3. Avoid chain lodgings
  4. Support local economies. (St-Georges-Market_Belfast.jpg)
  5. Be a tidy traveler—don’t leave trash behind.
  6. Enjoy fresh-to-fork foods. (Mushroom-Foraging-Leitrim.jpg.)
  7. Look for flights with the fewest stops.




Last and definitely not least:

  1. Accept kindness and spread joy.  Nothing creates a healthier planet.



Allegra Lynch is President of Authentic Vacations, the US brand of Tour Partner Group. She sits on the board of directors for Tour Partner Group, a multi-national collection of destination management companies headquartered in London. In her role as President, she uses the latest technologies, paired with unique local in-destination products, to provide authentic travel experiences, with an eye on customization, to travelers worldwide.  Her goal is to build healthy relationships on every level of the travel industry. Her joy is to travel mindfully and with curiosity.

Authentic Vacations specializes in creating customizable itineraries, featuring a variety of authentic experiences and accommodations.  All are carefully vetted to ensure that every client has a unique adventure, one that they choose. As a division of the esteemed Tour Partner Group (TPG), Authentic Vacations is a leading travel provider for destinations across the globe. With its culturally-diverse staff of travel experts, and offices in Dublin, London, Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Scottsdale, and San Francisco, Authentic Vacations offers a level of personalization and client support that is unsurpassed in the travel industry.


Top Five Wildlife Encounters Off the Beaten Path

By: Kelsi Auld, TCS World Travel

Nothing compares to the thrill of seeing animals in the wild. From encountering loveable lemurs only found in Madagascar to witnessing the epic Great Migration across the African savanna, first-hand animal experiences create unforgettable vacations, cherished memories and a deep appreciation for nature that lasts long after returning home. Discover how you can venture off the beaten track with TCS World Travel, who has been taking guests on incredible around-the-world journeys for over 25 years, to encounter extraordinary wildlife and enjoy adventure along the way.


Photo Courtesy of Karine Aigner

Photo Courtesy of Karine Aigner



On TCS World Travel’s upcoming Wildlife and Natural Wonders expedition, explore Ranthambore, once the royal hunting grounds for maharajas and the ideal destination for observing wild tigers in their natural habitat. Ranthambore National Park works hard to protect the diverse wildlife within its borders, including some 80 Royal Bengal tigers who rule their own dedicated sanctuary. Accompanied by an expert naturalist, embark on an early-morning game drive amid the dry tropical forests, scenic lakes and open grasslands for your best chance to follow the tigers in their daily routines.


Photo Courtesy of Karine Aigner

Photo Courtesy of Karine Aigner



Take the trek of a lifetime into the Rwandan rain forest and discover one of the most moving animal experiences: to observe the highly endangered mountain gorilla in the wild. These peaceful and powerful giants live in groups of up to 30 individuals and make their home in only three places in the world. Hike through the thick forests of Volcanoes National Park with knowledgeable local guides in search of a mountain gorilla family, and watch in awe as they munch leaves, groom each other and play.


Masai Mara_ Credit_shutterstock_41651095



Observe one of the world’s most ancient migration rituals from a hot air balloon. Every year, more than 30 species of herbivores and nearly 500 species of birds make the perilous trek across the Masai Mara plains, following the rains in search of lush feeding grounds. With a breathtaking bird’s-eye view, watch as the sun rises over the golden African savanna and witness millions of migrating wildlife—including wildebeest, zebras and gazelles—pour over the seemingly endless horizon.



Due to its geographic isolation from Africa’s mainland, Madagascar is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth. Some 80 percent of the island’s plants and animals exist nowhere else on the planet. And of all Madagascar’s impressive inhabitants, the most famous may be the lemur—60 species of this big-eyed mammal call the island home. From ring-tailed and wild black to Hawks’ sportive and Sifaka, see how many lemurs you can spot as you traverse the lush Lokobe National Park or Canyon des Singes (Canyon of Monkeys) with an expert naturalist guide.



Explore Finland’s rugged frontier on TCS World Travel’s Winter Wonders expedition, offered during “Northern Lights season” when conditions are just right for spotting this astounding natural light display. Experience how Laplanders traveled before the arrival of snowmobiles by embarking on a snow safari by dog sled. Listen to the skids hissing softly as the dogs reach speed and the sled glides across the snow-covered wonderland. Set out on a nighttime ride to float underneath the breathtaking sky, or make the most of the precious daylight hours and opt for a daytime ride where you can get the chance to drive the team of huskies through snowy fells and forests with a dog sledding expert.


Want to learn more about these immersive wildlife experiences? Check out TCS World Travel’s upcoming journeys and discover how you can encounter some of the world’s most incredible creatures by private jet.


TCS World Travel has been enriching lives through jet expeditions and custom itineraries for over 25 years. With over 300 luxury jet expeditions to more than 200 destinations, TCS World Travel is the most experienced jet expedition company in the world. This expertise has led them to be named a top Tour Operator by Travel + Leisure magazine three years in a row.

How to Prepare for a National Park Visit

By Betsy O’Rourke of Xanterra Travel Collection

Known as “the best idea we ever had,” America’s national parks are glorious icons of the country’s natural beauty.  And, with proper preparation, the parks — from California’s Death Valley to Wyoming’s Yellowstone — can offer some of the most spectacular and unforgettable experiences. Follow these 10 savvy tips to prepare for a visit as epic as the scenery.

Glacier NP Red Bus 5

1. Choose the right park.


First, choose the right park. While the famous parks are the undisputed show stealers, don’t discount the under-the-radar ones for worthwhile experiences, too.


The National Park Service offers useful tools to help you find the right park, plan your activities, get the right permits, check the rules, and find local tours that help you get the most out of your trip. The Find A Park site is searchable by park, state, activity, and topic. is its self-service trip-planning site., a collaboration between the NPS and the National Park Foundation, has a park finder filtered by activity, state, zip code, and park name. Xanterra Travel Collection operates the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Glacier, Zion, Death Valley, Mt. Rushmore and Rocky Mountain national parks.  Go to for lodging, dining and activity inspiration.


2. Know when to go.


While spring break and summer are by far the most popular times to visit a national park, if you have more freedom in your calendar, choose the shoulder season and avoid the crowds.  Parks such as Death Valley are actually best in winter when temperatures are in the 70’s and 80’s with little to no rainfall. Enjoy the spring fed pools with 86-degree water, the lowest elevation golf course in the world, and completely refurbished rooms and restaurants at the Oasis at Death Valley as well as the majestic views, amazing hikes and brilliant night skies the park offers. Other parks like Zion and the Grand Canyon are magical in winter, and at Yellowstone, the winter snow makes animals easier to spot.


3. Plan your activities.


To the extent possible, develop a plan for your visit. Pick the right activities and determine the skill level needed to safely enjoy them. Rather than racing around trying to see everything, prioritize a few key things.  Start with the park website or if you’re already onsite, go to the park visitor center. Many offer free Ranger-guided and Junior Ranger programs. There are also many tours available, like the famous Red Bus Tours at Glacier operated by Xanterra or many yellow bus tours at Yellowstone, including the family favorite old-fashioned covered wagon BBQ.

YNPL Old Faithful Geyser and Inn from Ground - Andy Austin

4. Check park regulations.


Learn the rules for permits, wildlife encounters, camping, trash disposal, and safety. Parks usually require permits to stay at campsites, for some activities (e.g., fishing), and even to access certain hiking trails. Bring paper versions since cellphone service can be unreliable in remote areas.


5. Learn about park conditions.


Prepare for your park’s natural environment, weather, and any risks or hazards involved in your activities. Study the trails and stay current on the latest weather and road closures via your park’s website and social media channels.  Understand the level of difficulty and technical skills required of certain hikes, i.e. Subway or Angels Landing at Zion.


6. Research how to get around.


You can drive through some parks easily; others require guests to park outside and shuttle in. Some parks are sprawling and isolated with few roadside facilities, so carry water, and even gas. If you plan to drive off road, make sure your vehicle is equipped for rugged terrain. And always bring maps; don’t count on GPS.

Pool at twilight - The Oasis at the Death Valley

7. Bring proper gear.


Pack strategically to guarantee your safety and comfort based on the park, the weather, and your activities. Most important is comfortable footwear — that is broken in. If you plan to hike, bring essentials such as a daypack, hat, water bottles, snacks, sunscreen, flashlight, map, and first aid kit. If you plan to camp out, test your equipment in advance.


8. Stay at a national park lodge.


If you want to stay inside the park, don’t pass up a national park lodge. Many, like the lodges in Yellowstone and Grand Canyon, are beautiful, historic lodges, and most do not have in-room televisions.  Star-lit skies, fire pits and smores and family games offer a non-digital alternative. Staying in the park is the best way to experience it. Once the day-trippers leave, you can enjoy sunsets, starry nights and sunrise with fewer people around.


9. Reserve early.


Book your park lodge (or campsite) early; many fill up quickly with some as far as 13 months in advance. This is especially true of peak summer season and holidays. If a lodge is full, check back regularly for cancellations as you may get lucky.


Advance reservations are also essential for popular activities with limited capacity, such as the mule rides at the Grand Canyon and the Red Bus tours at Glacier.


10. Consider a tour group.


Planning a national park trip can be very time-consuming. One way to ensure you’re seeing the best offerings is to opt for a guided tour. Depending on your ideal trip length and level of activity you seek, consider a bike tour with VBT, or a walking/hiking tour with Country Walkers, or a more traditional sight-seeing tour with Holiday Vacations. Packaged tours can save you time and money and they all offer the accommodations, meals, and activities for you with local guides and can arrange air and transfers as well.


A nationally known executive and thought leader in travel and tourism, Betsy O’Rourke is Chief Marketing Officer at Xanterra Travel Collection, part of the Anschutz Corporation.


Known for its “Legendary Hospitality with a Softer Footprint,” Xanterra Travel Collection manages lodges, restaurants, tours, and activities in the national parks including Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Zion, Glacier, and Rocky Mountain National Parks, and Mount Rushmore National Memorial. It also owns and operates the Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel in Williams, Ariz., The Grand Hotel in Tusayan, Ariz., The Oasis at Death Valley in Death Valley, Calif., Windstar Cruises, Holiday Vacations, VBT Bicycling Vacations, and Country Walkers. Xanterra is also affiliated with two Forbes Five-Star resorts, The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colo., and Sea Island on the coast of Georgia.



9 ways to preserve the polar regions for future generations

Aspiring polar explorers learn about sustainability and conservation on polar voyages with Quark Expeditions

By Doug O’Neill, Quark Expeditions 


It was one of those travel moments that was both Instagram-perfect—yet simultaneously soul-stirring. I stood on the deck of Ocean Adventurer as it sailed into Krossfjord, a 30-km long fjord on the west coast of Spitsbergen in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago. Most of my fellow passengers were at breakfast so I had the deck to myself, with my camera at the ready, my eyes peeled on the horizon for my first glimpse of Lilliehöök Glacier, and my ears alert for the signature thunder of glacier calving.




In the midst of all that anticipation of nature’s drama unfolding before me, I was suddenly overcome with a sense of quiet, a stillness that brought with it a razor-sharp clarity of my surroundings.  My mind began to run through an inventory of every stunning image I had experienced in the days leading up to this moment: the sculpted icebergs, the expansive glaciers, the snow-capped mountains, the long-abandoned historic sites, the polar bears prowling along the ice edge, the reindeers that cantered past me when I was on a shore landing, the walruses that gazed at me as I kayaked 30 metres away, of the whales spotted from the ship, and of cliff-tops covered in thousands of nesting Brunnich’s guillemots.




And in my private polar epiphany, I was overcome not only with an intense appreciation for this pristine polar wilderness before me but also with a desire to protect it for every future visitor who came after me.




This realization was by no means unique to me—it’s a moment shared by many who visit the Arctic or Antarctic. And this raised a fairly basic question: what can guests do to help preserve the pristine polar regions?


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For this answer, I turned to my colleague, Lyndsey Lewis, Operations + Sustainability Manager at Quark Expeditions, a long-time sustainability advocate and one of the forces behind Polar Promise, Quark Expeditions’ holistic sustainability framework for protecting the polar regions.




9 ways to be kind to the planet on your next polar voyage 

By Lyndsey Lewis, Operations + Sustainability Manager 


  1. Pack and use only reusable bottles (the only option when on a voyage with Quark Expeditions), coffee cups and reusable bags that you can take home with you.
  2. Choose refillable toiletry containers or non-plastic packaging that are free of microbeads. Your Quark Expeditions cabin is equipped with refillable dispensers of body wash and shampoo.
  3. Don’t introduce non-native species. Pack clean gear, including clothing, footwear, and bags. Decontaminate boots before leaving and upon returning to the ship by using the provided Virkon disinfectant bath.
  4. Bring a reusable waterproof bag to protect your camera and/or phone from the elements. (Avoid single-use plastics at all times.)
  5. Don’t dispose of waste during shore landings. Where waste is unavoidable, bring along a reusable bag and carry the waste back onto the ship to be disposed of properly.
  6. Support local communities in the Arctic: Purchase goods from local artisans during community visits in the Arctic, but don’t purchase important goods like groceries and supplies as stock is limited and deliveries are rare.
  7. Follow the environmental and conservation guidelines established by the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) and the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO), who outline strategies, policies and behaviors to protect the polar regions.
  8. Place a bid during our onboard auctions: proceeds from our onboard auctions support polar research and conservation groups.
  9. Become a Polar Ambassador. Talk to one of our Expeditions Team about becoming a Polar Ambassador.  This program teaches you how to make changes to reduce your carbon footprint every day. It’s also your way of educating your respective communities on the importance of protecting the majestic polar regions.




Quark Expeditions is the leader in polar travels. Quark Expeditions has been taking global travelers on immersive journeys to the Arctic and Antarctica for almost three decades.