by Kelley Ferro

Our 20-seat plane skipped and bounced down the dirt runway and I had to blink a few times to realize that I was looking out the window at the African bush. Just 20 hours ago, I was waving goodbye to glittering Manhattan and now I was on a charter flight over the rolling plains of the Sabi Sands. Our pilot joked that he usually saw lions on this airstrip as he touched down. This was Africa and here it doesn’t matter who you are or where you are coming from, you all just dive right in.

Arriving in South Africa

Arriving in South Africa

I was embarking on my second Living Local, Traveling Global video series and though the first was also in Africa, up North in Egypt, already South Africa seemed like a world away. The first half of our Swain Destinations custom tour was spent on the Sabi Sands Game Reserve, a private section of the famous Kruger National Park. And for a guide, we had none other than President & Owner Ian Swain himself. His vast travel knowledge, expertise in South Africa and his humor, made us feel privileged to see this country with such an experienced guide.

Getting close to the "locals" at Sabi Sands Game Reserve

Our luxury digs, Singita Castleton camp, felt fit for a member of the royal family. We had hand-prepared meals with seemingly endless dishes, rooms straight out of Out of Africa, drawing rooms where Teddy Roosevelt would have reflected, and a full staff that anticipated all our needs before we did. The same staff even donned their traditional dress to surprise us with a bush barbecue, or bomo, and they taught me how to sing & dance around a bonfire.

Kelley Food

And of course, I can’t forget to mention the rotating backdrop of animals, everywhere. The nearly invisible fence that separated us from all the gazelles, giraffes, elephants, lions, hippos and more was just yards away from my cottage door.

Yet out on our early morning game drives, there were no fences. Cheetahs curiously walked up to our truck. I watched lionesses and cubs munch on a tasty kudu. We sat right into the middle of a pack of 300 lounging Cape Buffalo. We even saw the elusive jaguar noshing on its fresh kill up in a tree as a hyena circled menacingly below. Our two expert guides grew up on these lands; our tracker was from a nearby tribe, and I swear he had a sixth sense because he could just feel where the animals were even though we couldn’t see them. This was everyday life in the wild South Africa and we were right in the heart of it.

Cape Town was just as upfront and in-your-face as the game reserve. Next, we jetted down to the vibrant coastal city of Cape Town for the second half of our trip. All the magnificence of this city and the region surrounding it just smacks the breath out of you. One minute we are chatting with the restaurant owner of one of the most coveted tables in town, and the next, we are sipping reserve wines from the Cape Winelands before a behind-the-scenes winery tour. I even got friendly with a cheetah cub that tried to “play” with me as I petted him at a conservation center.

"Playing" with a cheetah cub

“Playing” with a cheetah cub

The most intensely real experience was spending a few hours in the Langa Township, Cape Town’s oldest. Children ran up to us on the street, young moms brightened as I took Polaroid picture of their babies and a grandmother hawked her t-shirts to us from her front step. We were invited into their homes. We cooked sheep’s head soup, we sang with a woman making homemade “beer” in the shantytown…we tasted real life in a township.

Langa Township

Children from Langa Township

This was not a sugarcoated tour. South Africa just embraced us with open arms and Swain Destinations made it possible for us to step right in. Whether it was the surprise visit by the pack of elephants to the giggles shared with two little girls staring at their Polaroid photo, briefly I was a part of this country. These tours don’t keep you at arm’s length. They set up these experiences and then stepped back to let the real magic of travel unfold all around us.

Kelley Ferro is a travel expert & video journalist living in NYC. She films her show, Get Lost, around the world–hopping on a plane at least twice a month She is also the executive producer for For more on her travels, follow Kelley’s Facebook page.


by Nina Dietzel, AFAR Ambassador

To me, South Africa is one of the most fascinating countries to visit. It is furiously multi-cultural; a young democracy struggling to grow up fast to meet the country’s many challenges.

When I was invited to join Collette’s tour back in April, I was overjoyed, and at the same time I was a little hesitant to accept my assignment. The charge was to ‘travel like a local’ and I wasn’t quite sure how to accomplish that in a group, dashing from highlight to highlight across South Africa.

Tesse Easingwood on top of Table Mountain, Cape Town

Tesse Easingwood on top of Table Mountain, Cape Town

The minute we met our South African ground connection and guide Tesse Easingwood– it was clear, we’d experience our travel through a local’s perspective. Tesse has boundless energy, compassion, knowledge, and humor. With her in charge we had no choice, but to see the real South Africa–the good, and sometimes also the difficult.

To start, Tesse was refreshingly upfront about her background: “Before you ask, of course I grew up during Apartheid. My entire family, including me, were pro apartheid.” Her family, like many others, left as soon as Nelson Mandela came to power in 1994. Tesse wasn’t prepared at all to follow in the footsteps of her family. Determined to share the new, emerging country with travelers, she stayed: “How could I not? I love South Africa!”.

Township school visit, Knysna

Township school visit, Knysna

Around the mid point of our journey, we arrived in Knysna, a small, picturesque town in the Western Cape Province, part of South Africa’s Garden Route. By then, we must have taken in more than a thousand facts about South Africa. I wasn’t quite sure I had the capacity to retain a single piece of additional information without my brain exploding.

A great storyteller, Tesse swiftly brought us back to pay attention: beautiful Knysna had been founded by no-other than her great great grandfather! Seriously? All of a sudden, we were captured again; history was no longer presented in the abstract, it had been brought back to life right here through the sparkling South African in our midst. Many other magical moments happened daily along the way, far too many to mention here. Our South African ‘guide turned friend for life’ was the secret weapon made this journey simply unforgettable.

Knysna Estuary boat ride to Featherbed Reserve, land once owned by Tesse’s family

Knysna Estuary boat ride to Featherbed Reserve, land once owned by Tesse’s family

Tesse made good on the promise the first day we met: “I’ll give you my heart & soul on this trip and will try to answer all of your questions, no matter how difficult they may be.” Her honest, open and above all loving approach to life and sharing experiences made for a journey that will stay with us forever–the ultimate gift. Thank you Tesse Easingwood, with all our hearts.

Nina Dietzel is a photographer and AFAR Ambassador based in San Francisco. Between travel and photography assignments, she continues to consult on select projects for destinations, hospitality, cultural organizations and non-for-profits in need–tapping into her vast experience as brand strategist with 300FeetOut, an award winning creative agency she launched and lead for over 15 years. Read more about her work here.

Ready to experience one of the UK’s most iconic regions? Enter the USTOA Travel Together Sweepstakes and you and a friend could win a 5-day journey through The Heart of England provided by Worldwide Traveler, including visits to Harry Potter Film locations, Stratford-upon-Avon, Bath, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and much more!

If you’re having trouble entering the sweepstakes above, please click here to enter.

Follow the Travel Together adventures on Twitter by using #traveltogether and joining Facebook chats at throughout the coming months. More information about Travel Together destinations can be found at and

As part of her journey in Egypt, travel expert, video journalist and contributor to, Kelley Ferro was taken on a luxury cruise on The Nile by USTOA member Abercrombie & Kent, a highlight of her experience. The vessels are equipped with an ever-accommodating staff as well as modern amenities, chic design and floor-to-ceiling windows to take in the breath-taking views as you cruise The Nile. Stops along the way include the Temple of Dendara, the Luxor Temple, the Karnak temple and more. View the highlights from Kelley’s cruise here:

For more up close and personal looks at the people and experiences of Egypt, check out these specialized videos from Kelley Ferro on Egyptologists, shopping, food and touring like a local.

Kelley Ferro is a travel expert & video journalist living in NYC. She films her show, Get Lost, around the world–hopping on a plane at least twice a month She is also the executive producer for For more on her travels, follow Kelley’s Facebook page.

By: Terry Dale, President and CEO, USTOA

June 6 marks 70 years since allied forces invaded Normandy, a crucial turning point in the war against Nazi Germany, and people from around the globe will come together to honor the brave soldiers who fought during World War II. At the invitation of French President François Hollande, dignitaries and world leaders including President Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II will visit Normandy to commemorate the occasion, which will also be marked with firework displays along the coast at main D-Day sites, military parades, parachute drops and more.

Travelers, too, can honor the courageous veterans who fought with visits to the infamous beaches of Normandy and other influential WWII sites through tour programs and packages from USTOA active tour operator members. While many have been exposed to the beaches of Normandy through old newsreels and mainstream films, especially younger travelers, few have had the opportunity to set foot on the historic beaches and sites.

USTOA members provide limitless opportunities to delve into the history of WWII and commemorate the 70th Anniversary of this significant and solemn occasion.  Following is sampling of itineraries from members designed to commemorate the bravery and sacrifice of the Allied troops who fought during WWII:

  • Insight Vacations’ nine-day “Normandy, Brittany & The Loire Valley” tour includes two nights in Normandy, two evenings in Paris and two nights in the Loire Valley. Visit for more information.
  • From Southern England and Northern France to Belgium and the Netherlands, travelers on the “WWI & WWII Battlefields” tour from Trafalgar will visit a variety of memorial sites beyond just the beaches of Normandy. More details at
  • Worldwide Traveler’s “Back-Roads Touring: D-Day Battle for France” itinerary visits the French cities of Lille, Dunkirk, Dieppe, Bayeux, and the Normandy beaches and is led by a specialist in historic battlefields. Visit
  • Go-Today’s six-night “Paris & Normandy, Saint Malo, Mont St. Michel and Loire Valley Escorted Tour” combines free time and organized sightseeing. Visit
  • Travelers on “Normandy, Brittany & the Loire Valley,” a nine-day tour from Grand European Travel, will drive along the beaches of the D-Day landings, reflect at the American Military Cemetery of St. Laurent near Omaha Beach and learn more about the historic battle at the D-Day Invasion Landings’ Museum. Visit
  • “Northern France,” a private journey from Cox & Kings, follows roads taken by allied forces while listening to anecdotes from a local guide and learning about the heated fighting of WWII at Omaha Beach before stopping at the American Cemetery, Caen Memorial, and other locations related to the war. More details at
  • From a wreath-laying ceremony and moment of silence to exploration of the D-Day museum in Mulberry Harbor and Juno Beach landing site, the “Paris & Normandy” itinerary from Uniworld Boutique River Cruise Collection honors fallen soldiers. Visit
  • Insight Vacations’ nine-day “Normandy, Brittany & The Loire Valley” tour includes two nights in Normandy, so guests will enjoy leisurely yet comprehensive visits to numerous WWII sites. Visit
  • Travelers will gain a greater understanding of D-Day and the beaches where allied forces landed on Gate 1 Travel’s 12-day “Illustrious France” tour. Visit
  • Explore France via bike and gain insight into Normandy’s rich history during VBT Bicycling and Walking Vacation’s eight-night “Bicycling France: Normandy & Brittany.” More details at
  • Created exclusively for the 70th Anniversary of the epic D-Day landings, Collette’s tour “Memorials of War: Normandy & Paris” takes travelers to the landmarks of D-Day. Visit
  • Travelers get an inside look at the daily rhythms of French life on Tauck’s 10-day “Rendezvous on the Seine,” which includes a seven-day river cruise on the ms Swiss Sapphire, in addition to a guided tour of the D-Day beaches. More information at

For more information about tours and packaged vacations, visit  And, remember that when booking with USTOA active members, you also get the assurance of knowing that they are held to the highest standards in the industry with our $1 Million Travelers Assistance Program.  Visit for complete details.



by Alison Cornford-Matheson, AFAR Ambassador

For me, there’s no better way to explore a country’s culture than to explore its food scene. Wherever you travel in the world, you can find passionate foodies, and Egypt is no exception. While visiting Cairo with Abercrombie & Kent tours, I had two food experiences that left me feeling as if I was local.

I love falafel. It’s one of my go to weekend foods in my current home city, Brussels. So when Fiby, my local expert from A&K, mentioned she knew where I could get the best falafel in Cairo and I could watch them being made, I jumped at the chance.

We pulled up outside Felfela restaurant, a local institution, since 1959. Stepping through the door, I knew this was my kind of place. The first thing I saw was a chef, dressed in his whites, tossing fresh made falafel in boiling oil.

Felfela Chef - Local Food Experiences in Cairo

Felfela Chef

Another chef appeared behind the first, with a huge bowl of dough. He showed me how Egyptian falafel differs from the better-known Lebanese version. Instead of chickpeas, Felfela’s falafels are made with fava beans and a variety of herbs. The dough is lighter, making for a fluffier centre. Pair that with a crunchy, crispy crust and you have falafel heaven.

There are several dining options for enjoying your Felfela falafel. Pass by the falafel chefs and enter the quirky dining room, for a sit-down falafel experience. The restaurant has a jungle theme with tables made of tree trunks and greenery everywhere. There are even a few songbirds to add to the atmosphere. Along with your falafel, you can also enjoy a variety of Egyptian specialities and grilled treats.

Felfela Restaurant - Local Food Experiences in Cairo

Felfela Restaurant

If you need a falafel on the go, just pop around the corner to Felfela’s take-away location. Here, your falafel is served inside a flatbread and topped, as you like, with plenty of tahini and fresh vegetables. It’s the perfect stop for a quick snack on the run.

I arrived at my next local foodie destination to find a cloud of smoke. Rather than make me cough, this particular smoke made my mouth water.  As I stepped through the gate of the Andrea Restaurant, I was greeted by row after row of rotisserie chickens, turning lazily in the charcoal haze.

Andrea chickens - Local Food Experiences in Cairo

Andrea chickens

A man shoveling coals in a series of clay ovens stoked the outdoor grill. Dozens of chickens were cooking in various states of doneness. It takes 24 hours of marinating in a secret blend of local herbs and spices, followed by more hours on the spit, before these birds are ready for your plate.

Andrea chickens - Local Food Experiences in Cairo

Andrea chickens

The result is well worth the wait. The chicken is meltingly tender and the herby flavour permeates all the way through. Heavenly.

But chicken isn’t the only thing the charcoal fires lend their flavours to, at Andrea Restaurant.

Just beyond the turning spits, sit a cluster of women. While they sit chatting and laughing, their hands rhythmically pat and shape dough into small, round, disks. They slap the disks on the inside of the ovens and seconds later, tiny flatbreads emerge, puffed full of hot air. The hot, smoky bread is the perfect complement to the juicy chicken.

Andrea Bread baker - Local Food Experiences in Cairo

Andrea bread baker

Inside the restaurant, the succulent chicken and toasty bread is served with a variety of Egyptian mezze: delicately spiced meatballs, stuffed grape leaves, chunky hummus and more, round out the meal. It’s Egypt on a plate.

Andrea bread - Local Food Experiences in Cairo

Andrea bread

Both of these local food experiences in Cairo revealed a side of Egypt I wasn’t expecting. The local passion for food is deeply ingrained in the culture. Discovering the food of Egypt helped me relate to the people who create it and relating to locals is what travel is all about.

Alison Cornford-Matheson is a Canadian freelance writer and travel photographer and the founder of, a resource for expats, locals, and travellers in Belgium. She landed in Belgium in 2005 and became passionate about this quirky little country. She is an AFAR Ambassador and founding member of the PTBA. She is obsessed with travel, food, and local experiences. You can follow her on Google+, on Twitter as @Acornn, on Pintrest or check out her Facebook Page. See more highlights from Alison’s trip at

by Alison Cornford-Matheson, AFAR Ambassador

There is a myth that group travel sets you apart from local experiences. Tucked away in air-conditioned buses and luxury hotels, travellers are distanced from the country they are visiting. However, on my recent tour of Egypt with Abercrombie & Kent, coming in contact with passionate locals was one of the highlights of my trip.

The local experience began as soon as I set foot in Cairo Airport. Three members of Abercrombie & Kent greeted me at the gate and immediately welcomed me ‘home.’ The legendary Egyptian hospitality was in full force as they whisked me through customs to the waiting car.

While many tour operators hire internationally, the A&K team in Egypt are all Egyptian, and all of them are happy to offer perspectives on their country. Their local knowledge is vast and no topic ever felt off limits.

Karnak Temple, Egypt - Living Like a Local In Egypt

Karnak Temple

Egypt’s rich and timeless history is one of the main reasons it tops many travellers’ ‘must visit’ list. There are countless sites to explore, from temples to tombs, to the vast collections of the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities. While they are all fascinating, it can be easy to lose sight of their importance and local context, without the help of a trained Egyptologist.

Egyptian Museum Collection - Living Like a Local in Egypt

Egyptian Museum Collection

Abercrombie & Kent’s guides have an encyclopedic knowledge of Egyptian history. But, unlike some guides, who spew facts and figures without context, A&K’s Egyptologists share their passion for history and bring it to life.

Mohamed at the Pyramids - Living Like a Local in Egypt

A&K guide, Mohamed Osama at the Pyramids

I was fortunate to have Mohamed Osama as my A&K guide in Egypt. Mohamed’s face lit up each time he told us a story about a particular tomb or temple. His anecdotes about the past kings and queens, and his passion for the artistry and ingenuity of the artisans, who built these masterpieces, transported me back in time and gave me a deeper understanding of Egypt’s fascinating history.

Mohamed in Karnak - Living Like a Local in Egypt

Mohamed in Karnak

The A&K team members certainly weren’t the only locals I encountered in Egypt. I had the chance to interact with people from dramatically different spheres of society.

During my tour, A&K organised a dinner with guest speaker, Mona Makram-Ebeid, one of Egypt’s most influential women. Despite her established career in politics and academia, she answered our questions with patience, candor and a touch of humor, helping us to understand the complex political situation in Egypt today.

Mona Makram-Ebeid - Living Like a Local in Egypt

Mona Makram-Ebeid

A powerful advocate of women’s rights in Egypt, Makram-Ebeid explained how young people and particularly women fueled the revolution. “Women are ready to resist,” she told us. “And I believe that in the next elections they will participate, forcefully so, and they will not sit back and wait to be given that right; they will take it.”

She also explained how dramatically Egypt has changed over the past 40 years. People used to be afraid to speak out in public, she told us. Now everyone is ready to share his or her opinion. Indeed, after her talk, the Egyptians at our table immediately began to discuss their thoughts on what Makram-Ebeid had to say. By the evening, I had a deeper understanding and respect for what the people of Egypt have experienced over the past few years, and what their hopes are for the future.

At the other end of the spectrum, our group had the opportunity to interact with the young students of a carpet school in Sakkara.

Egyptian carpet detail - Living Like a Local in Egypt

Egyptian carpet detail

In addition to learning to read and write, children here learn the ancient art of carpet making, for several hours each day. Their education gives them the opportunity to stay in their town and earn a good wage for a skilled trade, or continue their schooling elsewhere.

Carpet School - Living Like a Local in Egypt

Carpet School

They were all smiles when showing us how they create these beautiful carpets from delicate silk thread. The speed and precision of their fingers as they knot the colourful carpets is hard to believe and mesmerising to watch.

These types of experiences would be difficult to have in Egypt, as a solo traveller. Touring with Abercrombie & Kent offers visitors the unique opportunity to experience Egypt in comfort, while engaging with locals who are excited to share their country with visitors. I can’t wait to be welcomed ‘home’ in Egypt again.

Alison Cornford-Matheson is a Canadian freelance writer and travel photographer and the founder of, a resource for expats, locals, and travellers in Belgium. She landed in Belgium in 2005 and became passionate about this quirky little country. She is an AFAR Ambassador and founding member of the PTBA. She is obsessed with travel, food, and local experiences. You can follow her on Google+, on Twitter as @Acornn, on Pintrest or check out her Facebook Page. See more highlights from Alison’s trip at

by Anita Mendiratta, CNN Consultant and International Tourism Strategist

“Have you ever been to South Africa?”

“Yes, I was there in the early 1990s.”

“But then you have not been to South Africa.”

It is a familiar exchange. The response is often given to people who have not visited South Africa since 1994 – the year of the nation’s liberation. Or 2010, the year of the FIFA World Cup with all of its infrastructure mega-projects to support the mega-event.

Like all nations around the world, South Africa has experienced the passing of years. However, like nowhere else in the world, South Africa has experienced profound changes that have literally redefined the nation. Which means, for a traveler, if you are not up to date in your understanding of the story of South Africa, you have never really been to South Africa.

For this reason, South Africa has become one of the most exciting places to not just visit, but to return to. Especially now, as the nation celebrates its 20th year of democracy. There could be no better time to see, and feel, South Africa, and the people of this so often misunderstood and overlooked destination.

Making appearances on Top 10 lists of travelers across the globe – bucket lists, lists of places to see before you die, lists defining you have not lived until you have been, lists of the world’s best – South Africa has become a “must see” destination. With the ideal array of travel choices and combinations, from the “Big 5” of Kruger National Park, to the finest offerings from breathtaking Cape Town with its iconic Table Mountain and Robben Island sites and sensations not to mention its stunning cliffs and coastline and the Cape Winelands, the funky vibes of Jozi’s city rhythm and beat, the majestic peaks of the Drakensberg Mountains and warm waters of the Indian ocean gliding onto the sandy beaches all home within KZN – the Zulu Kingdom, South Africa is beyond compare. Picture perfect, perfect value, lifetimes of stories to share and memories to hold dear. Its natural beauty is breathtaking. Its playground of things to see and do is beyond all wish lists.

This is a country continuously on the move. The South Africa one might have visited in the early 1990s is a world apart from the South Africa of post-1994 liberation, which is a world away from the South Africa of the post-2010 FIFA World Cup. This is a nation continually working to shape, proudly and inclusively, a nation for all South Africans to call home to all travelers of the world to come and visit.

Similarly offering a rich array of travel offerings, history-making Egypt is truly timeless. Top of “must see lists of millions of travelers across the globe, the opportunity to directly experience the site of the Great Pyramid and legendary Sphinx of Giza, the legendary Valley of the Kings and Tomb of Tutankhamun, the Karnak and Luxor Temple, and cruising along the Nile, continue to excite the imaginations of travelers.

The desire to visit now, however, has sadly been put on hold as a result of political changes that have been underway in the country over recent past. A necessary change in systems and ideologies, as was the case in South Africa, the “new Egypt” has been making history once more. And, as the future unfolds for this nation, one that, like South Africa, recognizes the critical role of tourism to the social and economic wellbeing of all people that depend on tourism, and tourists, for their jobs and future opportunity, Egypt is starting to make inroads to bring tourism back. The country is “open for business,” ready to host travelers from the Red Sea to the great historical ruins. As travelers arrive, they find their ability to realize their dreams a quest fulfilled. As always, the Egyptian people are welcoming, embracing, and proudly sharing of all that their country has to offer tourists.

Across the globe, no destination stands still. As people and societies advance, so too do their offerings to tourists. South Africa and Egypt stand tall today as two destinations reflective of the joy of not just visiting, but revisiting – seeing and feeling all of the energy, excitement and joy of changes, for the better for all.

And it is why travelers continue to dream of coming back once more to rediscover these destinations.

A noted author, Mendiratta’s recent book, “Come Closer: How Tourism is Shaping the Future of Nations,” released in March 2011, was nominated for the Financial Times 2011 Business Book of the Year Award. She is a strategic advisor to CNN International in tourism and economic development, a lead consultant of CNN’s T.A.S.K. (Tourism Advertising Solutions and Knowledge) Group, and an advisor to the World Bank and the United Nations World Tourism Organization.

Welcome to USTOA’s first-ever blog, “Travel Together.”  For more than 40 years, the United States Tour Operators Association has served as the voice of the tour operator industry, providing education and information to consumers and travel agents as well as an unparalleled level of consumer protection through adherence to the industry’s highest standards and the USTOA $1 Million Travelers Assistance Program.

We’ve embarked on a remarkable journey to share the rich and engaging experiences enjoyed by the more than 6.5 million people who travetl with our members each year.  USTOA’s Travel Together blog will bring readers “up close and personal” with people and experiences that will amaze and awe…such as learning to weave a carpet with Egyptian artisans; witnessing how polar bears prepare for winter with a naturalist in Churchill, Manitoba; creating glass beads from recycled bottles with artists at the Madilika Craft Centre in Newington Gate, South Africa, among many more.

USTOA President Terry Dale in Peru

USTOA President & CEO Terry Dale in Peru

The Travel Together blog will welcome contributors from AFAR magazine, the experiential travel guide, and Tripfilms, the travel video channel created by real travelers for real travelers.  Teams from each media partner will write about the extraordinary opportunities to meet and engage with locals in each destination visited with USTOA members, including Egypt, South Africa, Australia’s Northern Territories,  Manitoba, Croatia, Taiwan and Colombia.

Traveling with and as guests of our tour operator members, the contributors will share their experiences as well as those of their fellow travelers.  That is really the heart and soul of Travel Together…experiences that are shared with travel companions as well as the native people met in the local markets, restaurants, museums, sites, and attractions visited.  Each affords visitors the opportunity to “live like a local,” to see, taste, and smell local culture, cuisine, arts, handicrafts and more.

From time to time, Travel Together will also feature guest bloggers from other fields in the travel industry who will contribute timely tips, global viewpoints and trend pieces.

So, welcome…we hope you enjoy the journey with us.

-Terry Dale, USTOA President & CEO